Quick Tutorial On How to be Miserable for the Rest of your Life

Fasih Mohsin
3 min readJul 26, 2021

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can be miserable the rest of your life and regret living it.

STEP 1: Wake up whenever you want to.

Don’t wake up at a reasonable hour, an hour that makes you feel good about yourself. Make sure you wake up when everyone has had a headstart to the day. You really wanna make sure that you’ve missed all chances of starting your day on the right foot.

Moreover, When you get out of bed, don't make your bed and shower, just wear whatever you wore yesterday. You must start your day with little or no self-respect.

STEP 2: Make sure your house is always a complete disaster.

Your house is filled with many rooms, each with a specific purpose, make sure that it’s extremely difficult to accomplish those purposes.

It will reinforce the idea that you are a disorganized person and your life is not in order.

STEP 3: Procrastinate

When a thought comes to you to clean that disgusting kitchen, just ignore that and keep scrolling Instagram.

After all, you just woke up and you have so much time to get that done.

You have to train yourself for delegating all your life’s problems to future versions of yourself.

STEP 4: Look Busy

Sit down in front of your desk and open a document write useless shit that will get you into a dillema that you are accomplishing something.


Immediately open Reddit, Instagram or Facebook. Just to check if you missed anything.

It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you are sitting in front of your desk.

STEP 5: Wait for opportunities

Never be proactive with finding new opportunities to come knocking on your door.

You will meet the girl of your dreams one day and things will kind of just workout.

The most important thing is just not to take action. Don’t figure out what you want and don’t chase it. Opportunities will knock as they keep already keep knocking in your dreams.

STEP 6: Never fix the things you dislike about yourself.

Continue to engage in the activities that make you feel subhuman and a failure. Never think about changing your habits.

Never aim to transcend your vices and Subscribe to the idea that people can’t change.

If you are overweight just stick to the diet you are currently on. Your future self will make you lose weight. It’s not the right time.

STEP 7: Focus on things you can’t control.

Focus on the pandemic and how it dragged down you and your financial conditions and make yourself chained by waiting for the things to change that you can’t control even by yourself.

Maintain the constant external locus of control on the external events of your life. This will help you feel more powerless and miserable.

This tutorial can be very helpful for you guys out their to reflect and be miserable in life the right way.



Fasih Mohsin

Medical Student | Tech Geek | Chronic Reader | Fitness Enthusiast | Better life expert