This Quality can make you Win in Life!

Fasih Mohsin
3 min readAug 8, 2021
“Hand raising boosts confidence.”

As you’ve opened this article, I am sure now that you are very serious about getting a great start with the matters in your life, in those you fall behind.

I am here to tell you the most basic and most important quality you can adapt today to get enriched with the fulfillment that you are going on the right path which will lead to your great goals.

Here is your answer:


Now you think that you know what I am going to talk about, but hold on!

Read it to the end. For sure, you are going to have a clear mindset about consistency.

See this image :

By seeing the above image, you get a glimpse of what you can do with being consistent.

Have You ever heard about

Compound Effect!

The compound effect is the effects resulting from repeating your behaviors (beneficial) consistently over time.

These habits/behaviors can make you or break you!

Let’s discuss an example :

Consider you have decided to lose weight, now what your first actions would look like? You would buy a gym membership right away and start exercising intensively.

The intensity diminishes gradually, and you’re not going to see the results and believe that losing weight was never possible for you.

You don’t fail to do, you fail to believe!

Now let’s see what’s the right approach to do the same weight loss for you at the start :

You should’ve started with decreasing down the unnecessary sugars you take in.

You might’ve started walking for 15 to 20 minutes.

Furthermore, you should’ve started to eat 3 to 4 hours early before bed.

Yes! I know these habits look like they’re not going to bring any big change in your life but when repeated consistently these habits will take you far away than going to the gym for only one month and expecting six-pack abs.

Of course, you can get those, but by gradually habituating yourself.

It’s not the big things that add up in the end; it’s the hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary. — Darren Hardy

Only the habits which don’t bring instant results in hours days weeks but in months and years can make you feel good about yourself in long run.

This is known as the Compound effect.

You can use this compound effect to turn your life into a miracle. Just by repeating, actions that matter most to you and help you the most in achieving your desired goals.

Life can fail you, but the Compound effect cannot.

I devised this lesson from the book “The Compound Effect” by “Darren Hardy”.

We can all make powerful choices. We can all take back control by not blaming chance, fate, or anyone else for our outcomes. It’s within our ability to cause everything to change. Rather than letting past hurtful experiences sap our energy and sabotage our success, we can use them to fuel positive, constructive change.

— Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

Yes, it is a basic principle which everyone knows, but no one teaches this principle in a simple way as described in the book.

Keep Learning.

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Fasih Mohsin

Medical Student | Tech Geek | Chronic Reader | Fitness Enthusiast | Better life expert